Held in the summer, in mid-July each year. And ‘it organized by the Cultural Association of Friends Collemancio. On this occasion they offer to taste various types of wines of the region including the famous Sagrantino di Montefalco, after buying the special tasting glass.

For the occasion, it is also set up a food stand that offers visitors simple and tasty dishes of the Umbrian cuisine.


It’s the most important event of the year as well as the main event of September Cannara that alternates for the entire month of art and photography exhibitions, moments of theater, music, folklore, traditional liturgical celebrations in honor of the patron Saint Matthew (September 21). The Feast of the Onion is intended to promote an important local product that is cooked in many ways and offered to the public tasting in six food stalls, set up in various city squares. Onions, along with other local products are also sold in the characteristics braids by numerous street merchants. The event welcomes an average of more than one hundred thousand people, in the 11 evenings of fest.

In recent years it is also offered to release winter edition, which takes place in the period of the Immaculate, with the usual markets;


 It’s the most important event of the year after the Feast of the Onion. It takes place on the day of Corpus Christi and the night takes to set up along the streets of the town beautiful floral carpets, intended to accommodate the passage of the priest in a procession with the Blessed Sacrament: only he is allowed to step on them. The floral display is realized with the support of the entire population Cannara participating in significant long preparatory phases in the collection and selection of flowers necessary to create colorful carpets, inspired in the representations to religious themes or current events, however, linked to the Solemnity of the Feast; 


Patron of animals is celebrated in January the following Sunday a day 17. All bring their own pets or poultry that are solemnly blessed in Piazza Marconi, on the church of Francis and St. John the Baptist. Here the members of the Confraternity of St. Anthony distribute wine, sausages, oranges, bread and rocks topped by anise and raisins;

Si festeggia il 3 febbraio. Il programma dei festeggiamenti civili si conclude in piazza Garibaldi (già del Grano) con giochi popolari di abilità, consistenti nella corsa con i sacchi o nel rompere con un bastone, e bendati, delle brocche appese fra le case che si affacciano sulla piazza.

Sin dal giorno prima è usanza far rotolare, quanto più a lungo possibile, forme di formaggio per le vie del centro storico secondo una tradizione già attestata nel XVI secolo col nome di Ruzzolone

It takes place on Good Friday through the streets of town lit only by the soft glow of torches. Crociferi, hooded penitents, or chained accompany, along with members of all the brotherhoods, the catafalque with the statue of the Dead Christ: a fifteenth-century statue with jointed arms that, for the procession, comes down from the cross and laid, closing the upper limbs, on the funeral bed. During the year the singular work is kept in the Church of the Good Death.

Held on Easter Sunday. Two separate processions respectively accompany the statue out of the Risen Christ by St. Matthew and that of the Virgin of San Biagio. In the churchyard of the parish church they meet and takes the bow of the two images that must be fulfilled in perfect synchronism, supported by members of the brotherhoods. The success of the rite still draw wishes for the summer harvest.

It is usual, for some years, be associated with this religious rite also a local wine festival of Vernaccia di Cannara made from the dried sample from the streets of the town with cheese pies, sausages and cakes of raisins and candied fruit.

They are big bonfires that are burned along the river Topino the evening of December 5th at the feast of St. Nicholas from Bari who, according to tradition, during the night brings gifts to boys.